980-220-2448 [email protected]

We are pleased to announce that in addition to continuing to do at home tutoring, Cannon Upper and Middle School will now be providing T2 Thompson Tutoring time and space to tutor individual students and small groups at school, during the school day. The Upper School sessions for students will be available during their study halls and drop periods, usually hour long sessions, although times can be adjusted as needed. For Middle School athletes, tutoring will be available for 40 minute sessions during their study halls, which is either 5th or 7th period. For other Middle School students there will be sessions available for their 2:30-3:00 p.m. study hall. Please see the pricing for these sessions below:

30 min.
(2:30 – 3:00)
40 min.
5th or 7th Period
1 hour
Upper School Only
Individual $25 $35 $50
Small Group $15 $25 $30

We feel that this will be an excellent option for many students, especially athletes, as they will be able to work while they are still in “school mode” and they will not have to refocus after a practice or a game. As with any tutoring session, we believe that a student learns most effectively if they are in a comfortable learning environment. We want all of our students to feel as comfortable as possible. Everyone learns differently as some students would prefer to continue working at home, some would enjoy having their sessions at school, and many would be indifferent, so please check with your child about how they would feel about working at school. Please contact us online or at 980-220-2448 to schedule an in-school session at Cannon Middle or Upper School.